Save the Date - Under the Bridge Art Mural: July 11, 7pm


The Rossdale Community League is pleased to announce that this summer a mural will be painted under the James MacDonald Bridge.  Artists have been asked to submit proposals and, as a resident of Rossdale, you are invited to an open house to help select the winning proposal.  

            Day/Date:          Thursday, July 11, 2019

            Where:            Community League (Little Flower School), 10135 –96 Avenue

            Time:               7:00 pm

The various art submissions will be on display and the voting format will be as follows:

7:00 – 8:00pm

Residents, 5 years of age and older, and in attendance, will be asked to vote, by ballot, for their favourite piece of art

8:00 – 8:30pm

Two pieces of art, with the highest number of votes, will be announced and a second round of votes will determine which of these two pieces is awarded the contract to paint our mural

8:30pm  (approx.)

The winner will be announced that evening after the ballots from Round 2 are counted.