Rossdale Road Update - Dec 15

Photo: Stephanie Swensrude

The latest Rossdale News blast republished an article from the River Valley Conservation Society regarding changes to Rossdale Road. That got us to wondering whether the current project is on schedule or not and when the road may reopen. We contacted the City and posed that question to project manager, David Scheelar. He had good news!

The streetlights are the only remaining section of Rossdale road left to install (besides landscaping). There are two remaining pole bases left to be installed. These bases have to be poured in place and take a bit longer to install but are scheduled to be in by next week.

 All of the remaining streetlight work is scheduled to be completed by the end of next week. There was a redesign recently required for the streetlight locations due to utility conflicts and that caused delays.

 Once the remaining streetlights are installed and functioning, the road will be opened. This is scheduled for the next week or two.

 Our fingers are crossed that Rossdale Road reopens by Christmas!