River Crossing Business Plan Drop-in Workshop - Nov. 29

Join project staff to learn about the River Crossing Business Plan and provide input about objectives and criteria for shaping redevelopment of the area.

Date: Wednesday November 29, 2017
Location: Old Timers Cabin
9430 Scona Rd NW
Time: 5 - 8pm

For more information see: https://www.edmonton.ca/projects_plans/communities_neighbourhoods/west_rossdale/river-crossing-business-plan.aspx

Edmonton Prospects hosting Kinsmen Fundraising Tournament Sep.9/10

On September 9/10 the Kinsmen Club of Edmonton will be putting on a two day, slo pitch fundraising tournament in support of Sport Central.  Heads up for you, on Saturday the 9th, they plan to bring in a band to play from 8-10pm.  Small stage going in our patio area, won't be on the field, nothing major not a ticketed event, probably 150-200 people.  Just wanted to bring that to your attention.  Any concerns let me know, thanks. 

Ryan Jagoe

Director of Ticketing & Sponsorship
Edmonton Prospects Baseball Club
C: 780-717-6739

www.prospectsbaseballclub.com | www.remaxfield.com


Fall yoga classes at Rossdale Hall

Slow Flow Yoga

Mondays, 7pm-8:15pm


Yin Yoga 

Thursdays, 7:30-8:45pm

Starting: Oct 2 & 5 (No classes  on Oct 16 and 19th )

Ends: December 11th and 14th


Cost for 10 week session: $135

Cost for 10 week session, both classes: $250

Drop-ins are welcome provided there is space. Drop-in rate: $15


Please register in advance to tori.lunden@gmail.com

About the classes:

Both classes are designed for all levels of experience, including people who have never practiced yoga before and those with injuries. Each class ends with a 10 minute relaxation period.


Slow Flow begins with gentle breathing exercises to calm the nervous system before moving onto sequences and postures that are designed to develop functional strength and mobility. A perfect combination to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. 


Yin Yoga is a passive form of yoga that uses long holds in supported postures to calm the nervous system and release chronic holding patterns in the body. Because yin postures focus primarily on the hips, pelvis, and spine this class will also include gentle dynamic work for the upper body.


For more information about Tori and her approach to yoga visit www.torilunden.com


What to bring: A yoga mat, clothing that is easy to move in, water and a blanket/yoga props if you want them (foam blocks and straps provided)

Casino volunteers still needed!!! September 4 & 5, 2017

The Rossdale Community League will be hosting a casino on September 4th and 5th, 2017 at the Grand Villa Casinos Edmonton (by the new arena!).  Please consider stepping up and helping the Rossdale Community League fill the volunteer positions it requires for this very important community fundraiser.

For further information about available times and positions, please contact our casino coordinator Natalie Bunting at bunting@shaw.ca.

Thank you for supporting our community!